How To Lower Your Risk Of Osteoporosis?

A chronic disorder called osteoporosis makes your bones weaker and more prone to fractures. You have no control over some variables that raise your risk of osteoporosis, such your age and family history. But you may take a number of steps to help prevent osteoporosis.

For instance, osteoporosis risk is higher in those who spend a lot of time sitting and are not physically active. You can lessen your chance of developing osteoporosis by staying active, establishing a straightforward fitness regimen, or increasing your level of activity.

Men over the age of fifty are more susceptible to fractures as a result of this condition. How can men safeguard themselves and reduce their osteoporosis risk? Here are a few tactics shared by the experienced doctors from the best orthopedic hospital in Kolkata:

·         Consume a lot of vitamin D and calcium.

Reduced calcium intake has been linked in studies to low bone mass and greater fracture risks. You must consume enough vitamin D and calcium for the body to absorb calcium. Tofu, spinach, greens (collard, turnip, mustard, and kale), and dairy products like yoghurt, cheese, and milk are some of the richest sources of calcium. Milk, mushrooms, sardines, tuna, and salmon all contain significant levels of vitamin D. You could require daily supplements if you don't get enough of certain foods or have problems eating them. Contact with experienced nutritionist from the best orthopaedic hospital in Kolkata for more insight.

·         Exercise more.

Regular weight-bearing exercises that increase bone growth include dancing, aerobics, jogging, stair climbing, and power walking.

·         Control over medications

Men can also develop osteoporosis as a result of some medications. Consult with the experts a Desun Hospital, the best orthopaedic hospital in Kolkata to see how your dose may affect your risk of osteoporosis.

·         Treatment with synthetic testosterone

Men who have low testosterone levels are more likely to develop osteoporosis. To what extent, if any, replacement treatment affects bone-building is still being studied.

·         Give up smoking and limit alcohol consumption.

Men who smoke or consume large amounts of alcohol are more likely to develop osteoporosis. To reduce the risk of osteoporosis, consume alcohol in moderation and quit smoking.



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