
Showing posts from August, 2022

How To Lower Your Risk Of Osteoporosis?

A chronic disorder called osteoporosis makes your bones weaker and more prone to fractures. You have no control over some variables that raise your risk of osteoporosis, such your age and family history. But you may take a number of steps to help prevent osteoporosis. For instance, osteoporosis risk is higher in those who spend a lot of time sitting and are not physically active. You can lessen your chance of developing osteoporosis by staying active, establishing a straightforward fitness regimen, or increasing your level of activity. Men over the age of fifty are more susceptible to fractures as a result of this condition. How can men safeguard themselves and reduce their osteoporosis risk? Here are a few tactics shared by the experienced doctors from the best orthopedic hospital in Kolkata : ·          Consume a lot of vitamin D and calcium. Reduced calcium intake has been linked in studies to low bone mass and greater fracture risks. You must consume enough vitamin D and ca

What Makes Walking One of the Best Cardio Workouts for the Body?

You would be completely right if you believed that good heart training involved riding a bike at a fast speed, sprinting a long distance, or participating in a vigorous aerobics class, but you would be missing out on a simple yet powerful activity. Exercises as per the best cardiac surgery hospital in Kolkata , in which the heart muscle is actively engaged are referred to as cardio workouts. There are several cardiac workout variations. For instance, walking or running are examples of this: skiing in the winter, jumping at home with the help of a jumping rope. Without having to go to the gym or use a lot of specific equipment, brisk walking is a great workout that can be done anytime, anywhere, and without any particular clothing or equipment. A sturdy pair of shoes and the drive to lace them up and stand up on your own are items you'll need for comfortable walking practice. In this post, we'll go over all the advantages of walking as a cardio workout as well as the ways