Pneumonia Doctor In Kolkata: Do You Know Why Your Asthma Isn't Improving?


Asthma is a common respiratory condition which can be controlled easily, if the patient receives correct guidance and treatment. If you or a loved one is suffering from Asthma which isn't getting controlled, read on to find out why?

Asthma is a common respiratory condition which leads to symptoms such as breathlessness on exertion, early morning cough, whitish sputum expectoration, chest tightness and noisy breathing which is called wheezing.

In most cases once a person is diagnosed with Asthma, his or her doctor would start them on inhalers and sometimes oral medicines. The symptoms gradually subside and the person is fit to carry out routine activities. In some patients however, the symptoms persist despite being on treatment. There can be a number of reasons why this might be happening. Most of these factors are modifiable and so if corrected can improve your Asthma control.

1. Is your inhaler being used correctly?

Around 80% of people do not use their inhalers correctly, and this is one of the most common reasons why asthmatics do not respond to treatment. The problem could arise from the incorrect explanation of the technique or from not understanding it. The act of breathing and inhaling the medication requires a certain amount of coordination. Today there are a variety of devices available, some of which can be used with minimal effort. Please consult pneumonia doctor in kolkatafor more information. It is a good idea to watch videos on the inhaler technique and follow them, but be cautious that the source of the video is reliable. Consult your doctor if you have any doubts.

2. Do you take your medications regularly?

It has been determined that more than two-thirds of a patient's medicine is not taken as prescribed. While some patients reduce the number of times they take the inhaler, others take it on an as-needed basis. You might be tempted to modify your medicine dosage or stop it entirely if you feel well or your neighbor's son did something similar and is fine now.

Medications for asthma are individualized for each patient. What works for one person may not work for another. Contact your healthcare provider at pulmonary hospital in kolkata if you experience side effects from your medications.

Pneumonia doctor in kolkata will gradually reduce the dose of these medicines, not abruptly.

3. Are there any associated medical conditions?

It is not uncommon for patients with asthma to have one or more medical conditions. You might have thyroid disorders, allergic rhinosinusitis, reflux disease, sleep apnea, and depression, among others. Control of asthma is poor unless other medical conditions are adequately managed. It is prudent to have any other symptoms checked.

Bottom Line:

Numerous respiratory diseases share the symptoms of Asthma. It is possible that your diagnosis needs to be reviewed. Additional tests may be required. If your symptoms persist after 6 to 12 months of the initial diagnosis, seek a second opinion. Controlling asthma is easy. If your symptoms don't improve, you should consult a specialist.


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