What Conditions Require Knee Replacement Surgery


One of the most important joints in the body, the knee bears the entire weight of the body. As the knee joint carries the body's weight, ligaments, tissues, and cartilages wear out with age. A knee joint replacement may be necessary when damage occurs. It can further cause friction in the joints and cause severe damage to the bones if not treated at the right time.

The top orthopedic doctors in kolkata suggest knee replacement surgeries for the following conditions:

·    Osteoarthritis

·    Rheumatoid arthritis

·    Haemophilia

·    Gout

·    Bone Dysplasias

·    Knee deformity

·    Knee injury

Knee replacement symptoms that indicate the need for surgery

The knee can be painful for a number of reasons, but if it persists for a long period of time, that could be a sign of something more serious. In the first stage, physiotherapy and medications are prescribed to reduce pain. If nothing works, knee replacement surgery is considered by the top orthopedic doctors in kolkata. The following symptoms indicate that knee replacement surgery is indicated:

1.    An extreme knee injury that restricts your day-to-day activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or sitting on the floor.

2.    The knee hurts when you bend it.

3.    Inflammation and stiffness in the knee joint.

4.    Knee deformities that lead to problems with posture.

What will you gain from this?

In minimally invasive knee replacement surgery, damaged compartments of the knee are either repaired or artificial compartments are implanted. As a result, knee pain can be reduced. Moreover, you will be able to perform regular daily activities within a few months. Knee deformities will be completely corrected, and the joint can be bent up to 100 degrees.

Orthopedic hospital in Kolkata that provides the best treatment

The best orthopedic hospital in kolkata is Desun Hospital. Desun offers the best knee replacement surgery in Kolkata at an affordable price. Both the surgeons and the staff are highly qualified and experienced in this area.


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