Top Orthopedic Doctors In Kolkata: Elderly Osteoporosis, Its Causes And Treatment


How does osteoporosis affect the body?

The medical condition osteoporosis, which is best understood by breaking down the word 'osteoporosis' meaning reduced bone density, is characterized by weakened bones. A person with thinning bones and weak bone crystals is at a greater risk of getting bone fractures. Women who have gone through menopause are more likely to suffer from this condition.

A healthy bone is shaped like a honeycomb, according to a study. As per the specialists from the best orthopedic hospital in kolkata an unhealthy bone will have smaller holes compared to one with low density.

Symptoms include:

In the early stages of bone loss, there are usually no symptoms. However, as the condition progresses, symptoms appear. The top orthopedic doctors in kolkata shares some of the symptoms include:

·    Back pain that persists.

·    Standing for long periods of time is difficult.

·    Vertebral fractures.

·    The bending of the spinal cord results in height loss and postural changes.

·    Even the slightest shock can cause a bone fracture.


In osteoporosis, the rate of formation of new bone is slower than the rate of wear and tear.

The main causes of this disease are:

·    The loss of bone density during pregnancy, delivery, and lactation.

·    A decrease in estrogen production.

·    Prolonged use of oral corticosteroids at high dosages.

·    Conditions like inflammation, hormone imbalance, malnutrition, and low calcium absorption by the body.

·    Having a family history of hip fracture, particularly one from a parent.

·    Taking medications that affect bone density or hormone levels for a long period of time.

·    Loss of weight.

·    Use of tobacco or alcohol.

Osteoporosis Treatment/Prevention:

Osteoporosis according to the top orthopedic doctors in kolkata is treated by preventing bone loss or increasing bone density. Usually, lifestyle changes and medications are used together.

A healthy lifestyle may involve quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, getting regular exercise, and eating a balanced diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D (Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption). Those with risk factors for osteoporosis are also encouraged to take calcium and vitamin D supplements.



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