Diabetes Doctor In Kolkata: Why Should You Go For A Diabetes Package?


If you are looking for a good diabetes doctor in kolkata, then Desun Hospital, Kolkata is the best place to come over. DESUN has one of the leading endocrinologist groups to assess and treat endocrine and metabolic patients.

Several diseases, particularly in the last few decades, have reached their extent. Diabetes is one such condition. Diabetes was never known to be a disease until you were a few decades back and you got older. Now, even people in their early 20s suffer from this terrible disease and get diabetes.

Why is it important to keep an eye on diabetes?

So what is diabetes and why people talk about visiting a diabetes doctor in kolkata every now and then? Diabetes is a medical disorder that alarmingly increases blood sugar levels. This contributes to a number of other complications, including very poor blood coagulation. The primary stage in cure from any cuts, bruises, lesions, and accidents is blood clotting. It is only one of the complications that diabetes entails.

In the future, a timely diagnosis may protect you from certain disagreeable side effects of diabetes. Therefore, you have to go for timely checkups and tests for diabetes (fasting and PP) twice a year. You may probably find some other issues if you are diagnosed with diabetes. This is why the diabetes doctor in kolkata recommends a diabetes decoding kit. It is perfect for treating diabetes.

The diabetes testing kit comprises of the following:

1.   Complete Haemogram along with ESR profile

2.   Blood sugar fasting and PP

3.   Total cholesterol profile

4.   HBA1C

5.   SPGPT

6.   SGOT

7.   Serum Bilirubin and serum creatinine

8.   Urine for albumin and creatinine ration

9.   Urea

10.   ECG

Desun Hospital; Kolkata has the finest diabetes doctor in kolkata. DESUN also provides world-class diabetology services, health science, prevention, care, and follow-up with diabetes mellitus ("blood sugar").


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