
Showing posts from April, 2021

Best Eye Specialist In Kolkata: Does Your Job Require Lots Of Eye Strain?

  Are you suffering from eye problems every now and then? Look for the best eye specialist in kolkata to give your eyes the best treatment. Eye problems can vary from one person to another. Maybe it is not big for one but can be dangerous for the other. It is difficult to look at the computer screen for long stretches. All probably think they must hold and rest their eyes now and then to protect their eyes although this is not just possible because you have to sit on the keyboard all day long. If you have to look at a bright screen for your job, ensure that you obey these tips. Best eye specialist in kolkata: Do these to protect your eyes ·    Go for an eye check-up every year. Make sure that you tell the best eye specialist in kolkata what you are doing for a living if you like correction lenses so that you can prescribe the best contacts or glazes to be before the screen. ·    Another tip is to configure the monitor to view the device backward. Looking up tightens the ey

Diabetes Doctor In Kolkata: Why Should You Go For A Diabetes Package?

  If you are looking for a good diabetes doctor in kolkata , then Desun Hospital, Kolkata is the best place to come over. DESUN has one of the leading endocrinologist groups to assess and treat endocrine and metabolic patients. Several diseases, particularly in the last few decades, have reached their extent. Diabetes is one such condition. Diabetes was never known to be a disease until you were a few decades back and you got older. Now, even people in their early 20s suffer from this terrible disease and get diabetes. Why is it important to keep an eye on diabetes? So what is diabetes and why people talk about visiting a diabetes doctor in kolkata every now and then? Diabetes is a medical disorder that alarmingly increases blood sugar levels. This contributes to a number of other complications, including very poor blood coagulation. The primary stage in cure from any cuts, bruises, lesions, and accidents is blood clotting. It is only one of the complications that diabetes entai

Best Gynaecologist in Kolkata: Childbirth and Maternity during the Pandemic

  With the current pandemic and interventions, the life of millions in the world has changed dramatically. Elderly people, people with respiratory and breastfeeding mothers must be particularly vigilant and careful. In Desun Hospital, the best gynaecologist in kolkata , specialized clinics, and gynecologists take all the steps needed to ensure great care for mothers and children. More measures are being taken and hygiene is one of their most important goals for each citizen. In some instances, however, the need to ensure good hygiene in any instance is just a matter of importance. Best gynaecologist in kolkata: Points to keep in mind if you are expecting or a new mother There are few things that the best gynaecologist in kolkata recommends to bear in mind during the difficult times of an expected mother or new mother: 1.      Super Cautious: Like all expectant mothers and mothers of newly born should obey social dissociation and keep hygienically fit by wearing a mask and