Best Gastroenterologist In Kolkata: Are You Suffering From Liver Cirrhosis?


Cirrhosis is a condition that progresses slowly, replacing healthy liver tissue with scar tissue and stopping the liver from working correctly. People with early liver cirrhosis do not normally have any symptoms. Cirrhosis is also first identified by routine blood testing or examination. Visit the best gastroenterologist in kolkata and learn about your problems more so that you can prevent it before it gets out of the hand.

Development of cirrhosis:

The liver is a very cordial organ that can regenerate dead cells. Cirrhosis occurs during long-term ingestion of excess alcohol or chronic infections. The liver shrinks from this fatal illness, limiting the supply of nutrient-rich blood from the portal vein to the liver. Blood from the digestive organ of the liver is conveyed to the portal vein. Portal vein pressure increases as blood cannot reach the liver and an extreme disease called portal blood pressure may be caused. This is a high-pressure device, causing esophageal varicose veins, which can burst and leak in about 20 patients and lead to immediate death.

Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver:

Cirrhosis signs come when the blood is not filtered, toxins are broken down, proteins clotted and fats and vitamins are consumed. Sometimes no signs occur until the condition is advanced. According to the best gastroenterologist in kolkata the following are among the symptoms:

·   Fatigue

·   Loss of appetite

·   Nausea

·   Itchy skin

·   Weight loss

·   Weakness

·   Swelling in legs, feet, and ankles

·   Drowsiness

·   Slurred speech, etc.

Proper treatment can in certain cases mitigate the damage of cirrhosis and prolong or even eliminate the need for liver transplantation. The Gastroenterology Department delivers the best gastroenterologist in kolkata and non-invasive OPD therapy. DESUN provides a variety of treatments to people with a peptic, tumor, and perforating ulcers, as well as different forms of gastrointestinal surgery and other procedures, for pancreas and liver disorders patients.



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