
Showing posts from June, 2021

Best Physiotherapist in Kolkata: Is Pain Normal In Young Age Groups?

  Has your child ever complained of excruciating leg pain and you got up in the middle of the night, worried, panic, and puzzled about what to do and how to help your child return to sleep? Consult the best physiotherapist in kolkata. A physical therapist is often questioned by the worried parents whether the discomfort is typical or not in early age groups? Do they need to worry? Should they look for some help? And just when? You should be pleased to hear that aches are connected to growing at a particular age and in certain regions as normal as your workout ache in order to break up your first misconception. In addition, one must recall a step to comprehend the physiology of every pain: "Pain is an unpleasant sensation, but it is necessary and one of the protective mechanisms of our body" ·    It works as an early warning system that something causes or can cause body damage. But you have to know when it's normal and how far we should disregard it. ·    Whil

Best Urology Hospital In Kolkata: What Is The Prevalence Of Prostate Cancer?

  According to the  best urologist in kolkata from the best urology hospital in kolkata, 13 out of 100 Indian men are going to develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives and some 2-3 will die of it. It is the country's second-greatest cause of mortality from cancer among males. Prostate cancer in aged men and in Indian men and those with a family history is highly prevalent and will most likely develop. The Indian Cancer Society forecasts that about 2,500 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2021 if it gets closer to home. The good news, especially if discovered early, is that it is very curable. This is why routine examinations, especially beyond the age of 50, are very vital. You may want to consider having examinations sooner if you have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer. In the earliest stages of prostate cancer there are typically no symptoms, however, beware if you encounter any: ·    Soreness or Ejaculation ·    Blood or semen in your